8 things visitors want to see on your basket page
Basket pages constitute a key transition from browsing to committing in any user journey. For that reason, they need to be considered from both a transactional and emotional perspective. Ask yourself a very simple question: what are visitors typically expecting out of a basket page?
On the transactional side, answers might be more obvious and include:
Finding a basket summary
Visitors want to see what products have been added to their basket. This encompasses details about the products themselves, such as image, title, colour, size, quantity and price.
Having a way to change what’s in the basket
The basket page is often the only step allowing basket edits in the purchase funnel. Visitors expect to have the ability to edit basket contents on this page (e.g. update quantity or remove an item).
Seeing delivery options
Visitors want to know about delivery options and their associated costs. If a promise of free delivery has been highlighted elsewhere on the site (e.g. as a banner on the Homepage) visitors will expect a confirmation of its validity here.
Being able to enter discount codes
Visitors who have discount codes or vouchers want to be given an opportunity to use these as the order cost is being finalised.
Finalising the total cost of the order
Once all of the above has been sorted, visitors want to see the final cost for their order, along with a breakdown by item/service.
On the emotional side, answers might be more obscure and include:
Having a place to group liked items
Some visitors will add items to the basket just to be able to find them again at a later stage, or just to see them all in one place in a comparative manner. This behaviour might be particularly prominent when a website does not have a wish list or favourites functionality. The basket might become a repository for items that really belong in a ‘backburner’ area. Quite often the intention to purchase is very low: it’s just about projecting, not completing.
Being reassured
Even visitors who are objectively committed to purchasing still experience doubt. How trustworthy is the website I'm about to spend money on? How efficient will the delivery process be? As the entry point into a purchase funnel, the basket page should be used to handle objections before visitors get deeper into the funnel. This can be done via social proofing (reviews and ratings) and highlighting your USPs.
Getting help to make decisions
The reason basket pages are often abandonment points is because they constitute a pivotal moment when it comes to making the decision to buy. Visitors will be particularly receptive to good reasons to purchase on the basket page. These may include reminders of any missed special offers, free delivery messaging or a very prominent CTA that is easily clickable.
No matter what you sell, your basket page is your trump card. Do it well and you will gain the trust of your visitors, which in turn will translate into higher funnel clickthrough rates and conversion.